The main reason why I joined the HNGi8 x I4G Internship is to up my skills as a frontend developer. I was a participant in the HNGi7 internship, but I couldn't finish because my laptop's hard drive crashed and it took a few weeks to get a new one.

I have applied the knowledge I gained since then and have since been learning on my own. As a junior level frontend developer, I joined the internship so as to test myself on what I have learnt so far and also note my weaknesses and work on them.

The internship will also help me with a structured form of study, with deadlines to reach and challenges to beat, I believe I will achieve more than I have achieved in the past months in the next few weeks and I will get to adjust to working under certain conditions and pressure.

I majored on CSS3 and JavaScript during the last internship, this time I will be learning ReactJS and React Native extensively.

I also want to use the internship as a platform to network with creatives, professionals and like-minds in the tech field so as to share ideas and solve problems together.

My sincere appreciation goes to The Zuri Team for this opportunity.

Below are some tutorials that might be helpful in kickstarting a career in development:

Figma: Figma Basics Tutorial for Beginners:

Github: An Intro to Git and Github for Beginners

Nodejs: Nodejs Tutorial for Beginners